Saturday, May 8, 2010


Welcome, I'm so happy you're here! My name is Summer, I'm a regular gal with fantastic kiddo's and a loving husband. My only difference(if you can call it that) is that my family and I live with Celiac Disease, OK and a side of MS. Yes I said "side of" and there will be more on that later...especially since I'm hoping that side order will be 86ed here shortly.

In short, this blog is about our journey into and through Celiac, together. In addition I hope it sheds light on me as a person and reveals my growing passion of improving the lives of all who stand on the sidelines of a gluten filled world.

If I can convey one thing in this first post, it's this:

I do not feel hindered by this diagnosis, in fact I've been freed.

This new journey is the best part, for me. I see it as a great adventure into food, health, healing and joy. I've had more than a few people say to me, "It must be miserable to LIVE that way." All I can think is how miserable I was dying the other way.

I make great efforts to make it fun and exciting for my kids, all the while composing their assimilation one snack and birthday party at a time. Adventure aside, I can't deny our experiences will be forever different. So this blog is for them as much as it is for me.

And that is why I look forward enthusiastically, knowing now that the aches and pains (literally) are behind us. With that being said, I can't wait to share products, taste tests, recipes and more!

Thank you for stopping in and entering our gluten free life!


I am not a professional. The only training I have in this subject, is life experience. I DO NOT desire to have anything I write interpreted as medical advice.Everything is strictly opinion, but I will credit sources as often and accurately as I can. I DO however, welcome comments, advice, questions, etc. This is my life and it is a learning process from beginning to end.
Basically I assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any thing else resulting from you reading this blog.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!! i'm glad you are blogging and can help navigate the waters for people in your same boat... or at least show them that through the fog... you can still see the shore.

